I life for the nights I can't remember with the people I will never forget.
Gotta love this quote! I think it is applies to a lot op people. Last weekend when I went to an awesome party with my friends I shot a little vid. For the vid I searched for some good one liner and I found this one. It actually really represents how the young ones party in Holland. These girls are all like 17. they didn't remember a thing the next morning. hehe.
For a the exam year on school I had to make a profile-workpiece (profielwerkstuk). What the subject is about is your choice. I choose the traditional costume of Zeeland. I know, it sounds kinda boring but I really enjoy the subject! It's nice to see that also an older generation is very passionate about clothes. In Zeeland there are the most different pieces thinkable. For the workpiece I intervieuwd a local smith specialized in those really old jewelry from the traditional costume and I made a vid of it. Hope you enjoy!